Commander Keen Cheat Codes

Episodes 4 through 6

Anytime during gameplay, press A, 2, [ENTER]. Then hit F10 and one of the following keys:

B+A+T-Get 99 shots, all keys, and an extra Keen
E+N+D-Stop game and save everyone
F9-Boss Mode
B-Change color of border
C-Displays current # of objects (active and not active)
D-Record a demo
E-End level
G-God Mode
I-All items
J-Jump Cheat
M-Memory usage
N-No clipping mode (useful only with the map screen)
P-Pause game
S-Slow motion
T-Sprite test
V-Adds extra VBL's (VBL's??)
W-Warp to any level
Y-Shows all secret holes/steps


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