Klingon Honor Guard Cheat Codes

PressS TAB once, then type in one of the following codes:

allammo - All ammunition
behindview 1 - External view
behindview 0 - Normal view
flush - Reset bad textures on walls or creatures
fly - Fly mode
ghost - No clipping mode
god - God mode
hideactors - Hide all monsters, weapons, and items
invisible0 - Disable invisibility
invisible1 - Invisibility
killall (monster name) - Kill selected monsters
killpawns - Kill all monsters
open (map name) - Level select
playersonly - Disable timer
showactors - Show all monsters, weapons, and items
slomo (number) - Set game speed (1 is normal)
summon (item) - Summon weapon, item, or monster
suicide - Suicide
walk - Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modes


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