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Mortal Kombat II Moves List (PC Version)


At the first screen with all the writing and stuff, type:
 You should hear a chime.  Then push F9 at the next screen for a  suprise. 

-> Jax

Overhead Hammer HP (Closest)
Ground Smash Hold LK (3 seconds)
Gotcha Grab 2F - LP
Quadruple Slam throw, then tap HP
Energy Wave half-circle away - HK
Back Breaker BLOCK (In the air)
Pit/Spikes 2U - D - LK 
Babality D - U - D - U - LK 
Friendship 2D - 2U - LK 
Fatality1 Hold LP (3F) 
Fatality 2 tap BLOCK 4 times - LP 


   -> Kung Lao 

Head Butt  HP (Closest) 
Ground Teleport D - U (Flip joystick)
Aerial Kick D - HK (In the air)
Hat Throw B - F - LP
Whirlwind Spin 2U - LK (Hold BLOCK)
Pit/Spikes 3F - HP
Babality 2B - 2F - HK
Friendship 3B - D - HK
Fataltiy 1 3F - LK
Fatality 2 Hold LP (B - F) then release. (Far)


-> Reptile 

Backhand HP (Closest) 
Acid Spit 2F - HP
Slide B + LP + LK + BLOCK
Force Ball 2B - HP + LP
Invisibility 2U - D - HP (Hold BLOCK)
Pit/Spikes D - 2F - BLOCK
Babality D - 2B - LK
Friendship 2B - D - LK
Fatality 1 2B - D - LP
Fatality 2 2F - D - HK


-> Johnny Cage

Stomach Jab HP (Closest)
Axe Kick HK or LK (Closest)
Low Green Bolt half-circle towards - LP
High Green Bolt half-circle away - HP
Shadow Uppercut B - D - B - HP
Shadow Kick B - F - LK
Ball Breaker LP + BLOCK
Pit/Spikes 3D - HK
Babality 3B - HK
Friendship 4D - HK
Fatality 1 2D - 2F - LP
Fatality 2 2F - D - U 


-> Lui Kang

Double Forearm HP (Closest)
Standard Fireball 2F - HP
Crouching Fireball 2F - LP
Flying Kick 2F - HK
Bicycle Kick Hold LK (4 seconds)
Pit/Spikes B - 2F - LK
Babality 2D - F - B - LK
Friendship F - 3B - LK
Fatality 1 D - F - 2B - HK
Fatality 2 Rotate 360 degrees away from opponent


-> Sub Zero

Backhand HP (Closest)
Iceball quarter-circle towards - LP
Ground Freeze quarter-circle away - LK
Slide B + LP + LK + BLOCK
Pit/Spikes D - 2F - BLOCK
Babality D - 2B - HK
Friendship 2B - D - HK 
Fatality 1 2F - D - HK (Out of sweep range) 
Fatality 2 F - D - 2F - HP (Close) Hold LP (2B - D - F) (Far)


-> Shang Tsung

Skulls 2B - HP (1) 
  2B - F - HP (2) 
  2B - 2F - HP (3)



Liu Kang B - 2F - BLOCK
Kung Lao B - D - B - HK
Cage 2B - D - LP
Reptile U - D - HP (Hold BLOCK)
Sub Zero F - D - F - HP
Kitana Tap BLOCK 3 times
Jax D - F - B - HK
Mileena Hold HP (2 seconds)
Baraka 2D - HK
Scorpion 2U (Hold BLOCK)
Raiden D - B - F - LK 


Pit/Spikes 2D - U - D (Hold BLOCK)
Babality B - F - D - HK
Friendship 2B - D - F - HK
Fatality 1 Hold HK (2 seconds)
Fatality 2 U - D - U - LK (Hold BLOCK)
Fatality 3 Hold LP (30 seconds) (Kintaro fatality)


-> Kitana

Elbow HP (Closest)
Fan Swipe B + HP
Fan Throw 2F - HP + LP
Fan Lift 3B - HP
Aerial Punch half-circle away - HP
Pit/Spikes F - D - F - HK 
Babality 3D - LK 
Friendship 3D - U - LK 
Fatality 1 Hold LK (2F - D - F) 
Fatality 2 tap BLOCK 3 times - HK


-> Mileena

Elbow HP (Closest)
Teleport Kick 2F - LK
Ground Roll 2B - D - HK
Sai Throw Hold HP (2 seconds)
Pit/Spikes F - D - F - LK
Babality 3D - HK
Friendship 3D - U - HK
Fatality 1 F - B - F - LP
Fatality 2 Hold HK (2 seconds)


-> Baraka 

Backhand HP (Closest)
Double Kick tap HP twice (Closest)
Blade Swipe B + HP
Blade Fury 3B - LP
Blue Bolt quarter-circle away - HP
Pit/Spikes 2F - D - HK
Babality 3F - HK
Friendship U - 2F - HK (Hold BLOCK)
Fatality 1 4B - HP
Fatality 2 B - F - D - F - LP


-> Scorpion

Backhand HP (Closest)
Spear 2B - LP 
Teleport Punch quarter-circle away - HP 
Leg Grab half-circle away - LK 
Air Throw BLOCK (In the air) 
Pit/Spikes D - 2F - BLOCK 
Babality D - 2B - HK
Friendship 2B - D - HK 
Fatality 1 2U - HP (Hold Block) 
(Just out of sweep range) 2D - 2U - HP (Hold Block) (Any distance) 
Fatality 2 Hold HP (D - 3F)

  -> Raiden

Mini Uppercut HP (Closest)
Body Launch 2B - F
Lightning quarter-circle towards - LP
Teleport D - U (Flick joystick down)
Electrocution Hold HP (4 seconds) (Close)
Pit/Spikes 3U - HP (Hold BLOCK)
Babality 2D - U - HK
Friendship D - B - F - HK
Fatality 1 Hold LK (6 seconds) tap BLOCK + LK repeatedly
Fatality 2 Hold HP (8 seconds)

-- To perform the Dead Pool fatality, with Gravis 3F - Block or with keyboard 3F - Uppercut. 

-- There are three hidden characters in Mortal Kombat II,and here's how you fight them :  

Smoke To fight Smoke, you must be on the Portal stage. Sometimes when you perform an uppercut, a small digitized picture of Dan Forden's head pops out of the side. The first player to hold down on the controller and hit the start button will then play Smoke.
Jade To fight Jade, you must be fighting the opponent beneath the red question mark on the "character mountain."You must win one round using only the low kick button. No other button, including block, can be used. 
Noob Saibot To fight the infamous Noob you must have a win streak of 50. Good luck!

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