Quest for Glory 2 Cheats & Walkthrough

Trial by Fire Cheat Codes

Type in the command 'Suck blue frog'.

It should enable a cheat mode in which typing ALT-H to change your stats, and ALT-I to change your inventory.

Get all the money you desire:

You'll lose all the money near the end of the game, but spend all you want until them. All you do is visit the Dervish at the desert oasis. Get some of his beard off the tree. Return to Shapier and go to the Magic Shop. Sell the Beard to the shop keeper for money. You can repeat this as many times as you want, without getting more beard.

If you have about 500+ dinars, and buy about 100+ daggers from the guy in the weapons shop, you will get paid instead of him, and you will get the daggers. If you do this enough you can even get a negative weight(although it doesn't do anything.)


So, we find ourselves in Shapeir. An oasis in the middle of the vast desert. We start in the Katta's Tail Inn, talking to Abdulla. Talk to him and he will tell you that you should explore the town. But to do this effectively you will need a map of the town layout. The Inn isn't the place to look for such a thing, so we decide to leave this place. When exiting the Inn, we enter a plaza, and in one corner there is a fellow trying to sell some junk, like ashtrays, t-shirts, maps.. Hey - did he say map? That's exactly what we need now! But when talking the man we soon find out that the money from spielburg isn't accepted here!

Fortunately, there is a moneychanger in this town, and if you follow the instructions Ali Chicha gives you, you will eventually find her. After exchanging your money for Shapeir money, return to the stand of Ali Chicha. Buy the map and compass from him.

Now we have taken the first step to exploring the town. During the following 12 or so days, all we'll have to do is to defeat several elementals attacking the town. But there are other fun things to do, as well. The Magic-User will want to become a member of the WIT. To become a such, You will first have to find where it's located. There are two magicians in this town that you can ask, Keapon Laffin and Aziza. However, none of those will tell you much. Perhaps give a pointer. To find WIT, you will have to use the spell Detect magic to locate a certain cul-de-sac. When you think you have found the right spot, cast an Open spell to enter WIT.

Once inside WIT you will be asked why you seek admittance (answer some- thing like magic), and will be asked to choose a mentor. You can see pictures of different persons, among them Aziza. But she says she don't know you well enough. Hmm.. Who is it on that painting? Remember ol' Erasmus? Well, he seems to remember you, and despite much moaning from other Wizards, he can be chosen your mentor. Then, all you have to do is to pass those tests...

The first test is in a dark room, where you will have to use detect magic, fetch and trigger to perform what Erasmus ask you to do. Then it's on to the path of Wizardry.

First to block your way along this path is the element of air, in the form of a fan. Make the fan move towards you and then levitate to let it pass under you. Thus, the first obstacle has been negated.

Next to hinder you is the element of earth. He can be coped with by casting several calm spells after casting trigger). Just climb over the elemental when he is calm.

The third element is fire. To get past this one, extinguish the fire with a calm spell. (be sure to open the door with a fetch spell first) Then, after closing the door (another fetch spell), cast a force bolt at the upper half of the door. The door will allow you to cross the hole.

The last hinder is the element of water. It will have to be melted with a flame dart, and then cracked with several well placed force bolts.

Once you have finished this, you will be accepted as an initiate in WIT. You do not want to remain there, however, no matter what the other wizards say.

The Thief should seek out the moneychanger for more than one reason. She just happens to be the local thieves' guild, and she will give you an assignment if you identify yourself as a thief. Just follow her directions, and remember to lift the rug. (if surprised, just hide in the closet - but be sure you've oiled the hinges first) As a reward for a well done assignment, she will then give you directions as to where more money can be found.

The Fighter will later be given the opportunity to join the EOF (ask the adventurers' guild manager about this), but it will take some time before this happens. When it does, just follow the instructions you get (the letters left at the adventurers' guild) and simply break the chains when you're going to be 'executed'.

The Town of Shapeir :

In the town there are the following locations of interest.

The Katta's Tail Inn

Retire here when it's time to sleep. Also, Omar the prophet will speak here on occasion.

The Alchemist.

Here you can buy pills and sell differentingredients. You can also buy the incense that will be needed do defeat the fire elemental later on. Ask Harik on fire, since this is his specialty. He will also be able to mix up some dispel potions for you.

The Magic Shop.

This shop is run by Keapon Laffin, a person attuned to the element of air. He can provide information on the element of air as well as spells and a magic rope. If asked for, he will give away Foolers Earth.You should also be able to buy a pair of x-ray glasses from him that are very useful in Rasier (I think) if you know when to use them.

The fountain plaza.

Here you can fill your waterskins, get dirt from the flourist, buut a brass lamp to contain a fire elemental and buy food.


The encantress will let you in if you answer her questions (after you knock on her door.) The answers are,1.Whatever you put as your name when the stats screen came up for the first time at the beginning of the game.2.Kepon Laffin. 3.Air, and 4.Aziza. You can then then get information about the different elementals and the enchanted tree in the desert. While she tells something about all the elementals, she is most attuned to the element of water.

Palace plaza.

I think this is the place to buy a cloth bag, that will be used to store a earth elemental later on. Aside from that the only thing that can be obtained here is a pin that you're given as a gift after defeating the elementals.Very usefull in Rasier.

Fighters plaza.

Here you should find Rakeesh, a paladin and a noble warrior. He can lend you a magical, flaming sword to defeat the earth elemental.(Only if you are a fighter.If your a thief, just lend some points tward magic at the beginning and use the "Flame" spell on 'im.If thou art a cousin of Merlin (a magician),just 'Flame' the him.(The earth elemental) He can also tell you 'bout the element of earth.


This man sells swords and daggers, and also like armwrestling. It's a good way to add to your strength. Also, on his sign hangs the bellows that you will use to capture the air elemental. Adventurers' guild.

Here you can train, sign your name in the book, and find different quests on the board.(All of which you just happen to coplete throughout the game).


You can get your future told here. If there's anything more to do, I admit I missed it.


As have been said, you change money here and get assignments if a thief.

Nest of the griffin.

Can be found if walking left along the cliffs when entering the desert. Scare the griffin away, and then use the magic rope or levitate to get a feather. (This can be tricky)

Enchanted tree.

Follow the cliffs to the right when entering the desert to get here.

Oasis of the dervish.

Ask the guard at the town gate for instructions on how to find this place. What you want here is some of the dervish' beard which can be continuasly sold to Kepon Laffin (magic shop) for a proffit of 15 dinars.Me tinks dis is a glitch left in by the designers.If you don't feel like trying to find the moneychanger without a map,and/or Alichia's directions are more than a little confusing,than I suggest getting some of the Dervishes' beard and selling to Mr.Laffin as the first thing you do in the game because he pays in Dinars so even after the first sale you can go buy a map and a compass from Alichia 'cause he takes Dinars. On to the quest

When you've familiarized yourself with the Town, the elementals should start to appear.

Fire Elemental

The first one is the fire elemental,(usually days 3 to 5),that will ravage the gates plaza one day after it's first heard of. To defeat this hot- head, get a lamp from the brass seller in the Fountain Plaza.Then get some incense from the Apothacary that is also in the Fountain Plaza and use it in the plaza where the elemental is.Then lead the elemental into the alley and place the brass lamp on the ground. Once you run out of incense, use a full waterskin to force the elemental into the lamp. Viola, you now have a magic lamp!(Doesn't do much 'till near the end but don't throw it out,you need it!) Air Elemental Four days later, an air elemental will appear in the palace plaza (7 to 11). This guy really doesn't like dirt, so if you throw some at him, he'll be paralyzed for a while. When paralyzed, the elemental fit just nicely in the bellows that you get form beating the blacksmith in the Fighters Plaza. To get it,first ask him about the bellows then tell him about the air elemental. Then just type armwrestle and get going.He'll ask you to put up 2 dinars as collateral but with the beard,you can afford it!Just type armwrestle again and press enter.

Earth Elemental The next challenge is the earth elemental (12 to 15).It will roam the streets of the town an can be encountered anywhere but in the plazas.(I got to it closer to the Fighters Plaza but I don't know). To defeat it,you'll have to use fire. The two ways to do this is to use either the flame spell or Rakeesh's Soulforge. Be sure to collect the remains in a cloth bag.

Water Elemental

The last threat to the city is a water elemental appearing in the foun- tain on Day 15.The only thing that can drive it from the fountain is the air elemental captured in the bellows. It can then be captured in an empty waterskin.First put the waterskin down then use the bellows.

The last important thing to do before leaving with the caravan to Raseir is to have Harik make dispel potions. To do this, he needs some ingre- dients. All of those you should already have collected, except for one. The missing ingredient is the 'Fruit of Compassion'. To obtain this, you will need to visit Aziza and ask her on the plant. Then get to the tree and give it water, while telling it about yourself. Give it earth and tell it about your deeds. Lastly, give it a hug and tell her her name. (Julanar) The tree will now bear fruit, and Harik should be able to make the potions.I,however,have no idea why you need dispell potions but thats what people told me!

The Town Of Rasier

You will now travel to the town of Raseir, where evil rules. After entering the town, enter the Blue Parrot. There you'll find the head of the thieves' guild in Raseir - a really slimy guy. He will have you steal a statuette of a falcon from the captain of the guard on day two. But first,you should meet a lady in distress.Take the route yould use to get to the Fountain Plaza in Shapier then go back but follow the woman that comes out of a backalley.She wants your pass, so that she can get out of the city. Of course, that means YOU cant get out anymore, but we're supposed to be heroes,aren't we?Give her your clothes and pass, and then you'll get a mirror in exchange.The time to use the x-ray glasses is while she's changing! Now to stealing the statue.Enter the central plaza sneaking, and wait 'til the guard disappears.

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