SWIV 3D Cheat Codes

If you feel you need more weapons to even the odds a little, try the following:
Start the game and create 1 pilot, no more. Then, exit the game. Go to the SWIV directory the game was installed in. Open the file SWIV.CFG with a HEX-editor.
Go to HEX adress 78C and starting there, add the following sequence: 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00. (It should read 18 times 64 00 )Now save the file and restart SWIV.

This hack should give you 100 pieces of most weapons available in the game. If you really want to spoil your fun, you can add a higher value. But then again, if you wouldn't want to spoil your fun, you shouldn't be reading this at all.

If you use more pilots, the adresses for these will be different. The adress for a second pilot starts at A8C, and for the third at 98C.

If you feel you need more weapons to even the odds a little, try the following:
Start the game and create 1 pilot, no more. Then, exit the game. Go to the
SWIV directory the game was installed in.
Open the file SWIV.CFG with a HEX-editor.
Go to HEX adress 78C and starting there, add the following sequence:
FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF
00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00.
(It should read 18 times FF 00 ) Now save the file and restart SWIV.

This hack should give you over x264 pieces of most weapons available in the game.
If you really want to spoil your fun, you can add a higher value.
But then again, if you wouldn't want to spoil your fun, you shouldn't be
reading this at all.
Under the address 7BC you should write FF, this give immortability.
Somwhere before this address program writes another strange singns,
if changes under 7BC not working uoy should changes every this codes to FF.

If you use more pilots, the adresses for these will be different.
The adress for a second pilot starts at A8C, and for the third at 98C etc.

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